Alo...told you ide write another one,so this is gonna be a blog about the people i know! Friends etc etc etc. So i was a bit of a loner as a kid (sad) no not really, i just enjoyed time with my friends or by myself it didnt make much of a difference to me. Not to SAY i was anti social, i had my friends though i was never in a group....you know like the cool group-chess

group-the kids with too much gel in their hair group, that kinda thing.
But i dont know...maybe its a bad thing being with yourself all the time even if you dont mind.Socially unhealthy or something like that..i dont know..i shot the doctor while he was half way through the whole speech thing...he said i had a problem..can you believe that guy?
Though dont get me wrong, being surrounded by a bunch of great people in some mamak shop while were talking and making jokes beats being alone anyday of the week..or month.And i love making friends, how is it white people are good at doing this while asians are so uptight like they have a 5 feet pole stuck up their....???
I mean example, im in the bus from singapore going back to malaysia......and behind me this American guy is sitting opposite of the chinese guy, after a while the american starts up a conversation and after awhile their talking like they have known each other for awhile. I dont think ive ever seen an asian do this. Come on guys! Stranger dont bite...they rob...rape and kill..but dont bite.(God im just joking)
So if im with someone i dont know i usually try to strike up a conversation.....but what i love most is what all of them ask me after 5 minutes........'Are you an Arab?'.No im not though god knows why i look like one.I dont think i do...ive seen a few and hell no i dont think i look like them.Wait...this is like straying wayyyyy off topic here.
So i have a few best friends, We have the best friends.....my known all my life best friends...and my best school friendss.Lets start with....Nad!

Age :18
Job : Professional A......yea right you wish, im not putting that.She's finally a student in UITM, glad she got that..*smile*.
Favourite Food: Nandos...hmmm scary.
About her : Actually...i still dont have a clue..ill let you know.
No it doesnt mean i dont know anything..its just erm
Complicated..*koff koff*.
And right at this moment i realised ill have to talk about the rest of my friends becouse i dont have bloody pics of them, i think my dad had the Pc cleaned again......dam it.
So next is Aifiq.....his mom is also and irish and his dad is also malaysian! Tis fate...hahaahha we have known each other since, since diapers...yea. Aif is about 1 year older then me and his currently studieng in Melaka and well on his way to becoming a pilot.So havent kept in touch in awhile....both of us doing our own thing i guess, but we meet up once in awhile.^^
Favourite Food:Anything i like..hehe
About him : Way cool.....i wanna have his sideburns...great at jokes..

And then there is Jake, my highschool buddy....ahahahaha you have no idea how hard it was to become friends with this guy, he just didnt know that sometimes he can be a bit of a mean bastard without realising it. Though i dont know what made me stuck with him...and after he realised i was gonna go away he cold off a bit and i realised he really was a nice guy.
Favourite Food: He would never tell me...
About him : More to him then meets the eye.
Well those are the first few...hmm so maybe no normal friends yet.