Bubbles in my head

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ive got the Magic in me.

Ugh its been awhile since ive written anything in this blog/thinking out loud place thingy. Im 22, and though i dont feel old ive realized SPM was 5 years ago, i cant believe 5 years have already passed by, its insane....i dont think i have gotten the most out of what i wanted in life, there is so much to do and so little time to do it. Plus i really need to get my shit together, like now.

ill be trying out for the military come next year, i decided to postpone the whole living in Ireland thing for a few more years....learn whatever i can from here first. Because i have a feeling when i leave im not sure ill be coming back.

Family aside i have always been more comfortable around my own company...no not a loner, i blend in when i must but i dont mind going at it alone....jeez that sounds bloody goth like depressing doesnt it? Well it isnt, think of it as those journalist or explorers that travel the world searching for something, too deep? I think its a load of bollocks actually (i really wanted to type that word) but sounds cool.

Although i know ill probably go out of my way to do something so different from everyone else, that is just who i am....im the retarded lemming that 'wont' jump off the cliff, so to speak. Blast i dont even know why i keep writing this thing, i love writing but i dont think blogging about myself is my passion...i should really stick with stuff made up in my head, those are usually easier to write about. Maybe i should blog about other stuff, like...........


Well damn if im not gonna find a topic to talk about, alrite here is how its going to be. Im gonna explore the internet or maybe just while im randomly surfing, pick something i find interesting and discuss it here...yea...that sounds brilliant, better then my constant ranting anyway, bla bla life...bla bla sex. (just checking)

And i already found a something to start off with.

Now this is brilliant, the video says it all so watch it before continuing to read. What im curious to know what would YOU do in his position, do you stay in the relationship or break it off...

Personally i say stick with it, if being with her is as great as it is, then blast everyone fucks up now and again, yes shes an idiot but you can bet your ass shes gonna listen well from then on...although i am the type that forgives and forgets. Humans are such interesting creatures.


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