The Legend of Zelda?

Hey hey and good afternoon to anyone and everyone, it is currently 12pm here in humid Malaysia and i have just gotten back from another driving test, it shall have been my third one...erm..this week. It seems to be going well, i mean besides the part where i almost ran down a police officer it was all good.....hehehe *evil laugh*. Note dont say "So your life is in my hands huh?" to your driving intructer before you drive, you get a better effect 5 minutes later on the road.
My grandfather god bless his soul passed away a few weeks ago, and im glad i got the chance to see him when i could last time when i was back...but of course it was never enough. Fortunately my mom was already in Ireland a few days ago before that so she got to spend sometime with him. I hope shes alrite, im terrible at cheering up the people i love when they got really upset or sad.
So my brother aaron is moving in a couple of days to the 12th (or was it 16th floor). Dear god before you know it the whole family is gonna each have their own floor, its kinda like living by yourself but technically not really. Although he is bringing the PS3 along so all is overlooked and forgiven. *nods seriously*
2 Brilliant games, no wait 3 are looking to be out this year which i can hardly wait for....*drum roll* STARCRAFT 2 (YAY) , DIABLO 3 (YAY) , AND CATACASLYM WoW (YAY) They all are so awesome i dont even have a favourite. But i really need to get this shitty old come upgraded and once i get the release ill start tinkering with it, that way if it blows up in my face ill have time to prepare.
The fridge is empty so every meal is like a battle for SURVIVAL. Plus im out of cash too since i havent had any request for drawings done this month hur hur hur, Penpal is such a bIt#h. And yes i am still in Kickboxing at SS15, ive made a few friends and it really is a great way to is of course mentally and physcially exhausting but its a price i shall willingly pay to get MAH SEXAH BODEH.
Nothing much besides that, i think i should have my license by the 13th and Aifiq might decide to throw some huge party or something to celebrate. But more like a 'DEAR GOD HE FINALLY GOT IT' then a 'CONGRATULATIONS' kinda thing...they just need me to drive them home after they get wasted since i never get drunk. = =
Oh which reminds me before i go, A MUST WATCH. I have tons more of these posted on my facebook profile.
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