Santa Clause is coming to prove fat people can fit in tight area's.

Hey Christmas is coming, and my family is celebrating it for the second time this year..yay.
Actually its no big deal to me..just like Raya.....Puasa...etc etc etc...kinda all the same to me..but im fond of christmas couse its usually the time my mom is usually happy.Well more happy then usual hahaha.
So life is good...hahahaha, great really.It seems i am destined for long distance relationships..haha............ha.............ha.*slaps forhead*.But i wont say much for now....if everything goes well...ill write about this amazing girl at some other date.

Oh right your probally this isnt my cat...though i would love it to be, its (my own opinion) crossed between a cat and a fox..and its adorable like hell god i love this cat.It likes sitting down like that...dont ask.
So College will start up again, classes...the whole sher-bang.Unless i find my friend and ask him about his dad offering a job in london,which i would love to get.Though i doubt i get it...worth a shot though eh? Ill see how that goes. *sigh*.They werent joking when they said everything changes huh? You could not believe the things you would be doing now in high school.
Anyway im a bit tired..ill write another one tomorrow..honest. *innocent look*.
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