Kick Boxing 101.
As im writing this a baby is trying to break the sound barrier in the background so my concentration isnt what i would say at its fullest, but ill manage. Just got back from Aifiqs house last night at 6am with the rest of the guys so i kinda woke up a bit late *wince*.
But on a much more healthier note ive joined a kickboxing club at SS15 in Subang and its been a great experiance for me. And this all somehow started when Zaileen suddenly heard about it and had a sudden urge to try it out, she dragged me and sari along naturally and well i was instantly hooked. You know all these different from normal stuff attracts me, bungee, rock climbing, etc etc and ive always wanted to take some form of self defence and if i had to choose between them all this was totally in the top...uh...3...thing.

Hmm not the most attractive image.
Anyway starting out has been loads of fun, everyone is really friendly and you quickly make friends (i guess the whole punching each other and rolling around everyones sweat gets rid of the whole shy akward thing) and well the attractive girls that you know have been there longer and can probally break your neck with a kick is kinda charming as well. In the whole dont-do-anything-stupid kinda way.
The instructor (whom we call Kruu) comes by maybe twice a week seeing as we has other places to be as well and is well...bubbly if i had to choose a word, but he knows his stuff and though his really friendly wont hesitate to be serious if you step out of line. Reminds me of my dad actually, pay attention to what he says but dont take him seriously or you would get easiely offended. No wait..that sounds alot like me. Oh god im turning into my dad! *clutches head* Anyway going off topic here.
Thing are going at their own pace i must say, i really enjoy spending time there (plus its a great workout) then i decided to host some kinda swimming thingy for the members at the condo next weekend. Ive asked the seniors who are in charge when Kruu isnt around and he says thats a brilliant idea (Well not brilliant...but you know..good) So ill just put the details on the memo board and hope someone notices it...ha........ha..ha......*cry*.
Love life still in the shit but hey its not like i cant stand being alone (hah!) no really. With the kickboxing to focus my mind on things are going preety well, i think ill just go along with the ride and see where everything takes me...if you know...that makes any sense to you, or me. Since i dont think anyone reads this, which i dont mind either (hah!) *koff* since this blog is more like an outlet for my writing, which reminds me...should i post the short stories ive written here? I mean, well....uhh...maybe ill just touch it up first or something.
Well thats about it i guess, another short post. Ide drag it on but that baby is driving me up the wall and my brother is coming over later for a visit so i better get the place squared.
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