Bubbles in my head
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006
A bit of family history ^^'

Hokay (cracks knuckles*) my family history...My mom is an Irish women from dublin and so is her family , my dad is a Malaysian and his an orang Perak (Its a state) erm not sure how to say that in english hahah right .

I was born Kuwait and lived there for about 2 years so i didnt get the chance to pick up their language (I think Arabic is a beautifull language , has a nice ring to it) After 2 years....from what i recall there was an envoy of Saddam's tanks and troops requesting oil from Kuwait since they were running out or something like that , lets just say Kuwait refused and the city was sieged . So we packed out stuff...mostly carpets heh and drove through to the airport where the americans were helping evacuate civilians.....im not sure if it still happens these day hmm probally does but there used to be bandits that would attack vehicles they think would carry any valuables so it was dangerous if you travelled alone.
It was beautifull....the dessert that is , there would be on high way going forever on straight and on your left and right was Sand as far as the eye could see . And well of course it was hot but during the winter you still had to put on a jacket , amazing huh?

So these 2 people here are my 2 elder sisters....Sara on the left..and Medina on the right.And on top the guy holding up the sign is my Big Bro Aaron...top of the food chain , and my little sister on the left , Sofiyah.Up there is my parents....my dad the engineer and my mom who runs a kindergarden.I might add my other cousin's but ill have to ask them ahahahah....anyway this is just about my family.
Their all funny in their sad sad way....hehehe im the best..hahahaha well i think , or is it my brother? The rest are sarcastic funny , right well at least we all know we get our sense of humour from

Sofi is currently 16 and im 18.....aaron is 29 or is it 28 ...sara is 23 and medina is 25 i think.Feck it im never good with dates , I also have my mom's side of her family all in ireland although the 2 oldest one's there are around sofi's age everyone else is still young but thats ok.Their still cool...hehe. My Grandparents live in Kuala Lumpur and Dublin.....actually most of my couz in malaysia lived in the main city...so we all gather around at my grandparents place very saturday night.(This is the malaysian side just in case your really realy confused)
Well thats it really....i cant think of much at the moment..i might redo this to add bits of pieces i missed here and there....Thanks for reading!
UITM huh?

Hmmm well it looks like ill be starting College in UITM...hopefully if everything goes well that is , just need to go and register on the 7 or is it the 1 of July.Its course is Hotel Management which seem's really great...i think , im finding out more through the net but whats really great about this is its UITM thats in Shah Alam which isnt that far from my house so if im not studieng possible ill still be able to be around home whenever i wish (unless my dad kicks me out...well then tough.)
So thats it really....its going to be around 6 month's , full time . Hahaha so ill finally found out what college life is all about....although im sure im not missing much.Ah my stomach ache is gone..finally jezz i think it might had been those weird burgers..its called sri rasa.. they taste like chicken-beed-fish all mixed up , really nice , i think thats the food they serve in hell.So that picture is me during highschool , hahaha one of the few times i ever went bold. Thats Zhen Hwuang an old classmate who i believe is one of the more popular guys in school *koff koff* well popular with the girls that is , heheheh .
I went to USJ 13 a school well known for its reputation as a....well nice *bullshit* school . Just dont mind the crazed form 2 and 3's who light loud fire crackers in school or the occasional gang fight outside our school , charming.I think the younger students were more dangerous , oh did i mention the big red writing that was covered up with duct tape? But nvm that , it was ok i guess . Your typical everyday school . But ill talk about that later on in another topic i got something to check up on...see ya ~
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Ok....i can do better then that.

Sorry about that....hmm i should write more.Becouse besides spending my time reading books i also love to write , sooo i should write! Right.... = =' .Well i live in Malaysia , a very humid country with terrible idea's on how a good ice-cream should taste like....i mean we live in a hot country!! Our ice-cream's should be the best...but they taste like somebody took milk and threw it in the freezer , its terrible.
I live in a condo so when the heat get's to unbearable i usually go for a swim to cool off . I have 3 sisters and one brother...and im the second youngest...so i could say im not at the bottam of the food chain , although it still sucks....ohh i just had an idea to post a few stories ive written here , then maybe i can get real feedback by people who actually know what their talking about . (no offence Tina)
So thats a picture of me up there , i think i just woke up couse i look drugged...hmmm or maybe its becouse my sis is taking the picture . Im not really the camera kinda guy as the picture show's , hahahaha *depressed*. Ok i know this probally isnt all very interesting..but its my first day so give me a break , hopefully ill be posting everyday and besides how do i know people even read this?
I use to have a diary but thats such a pain in the ass.....i could definately get use to the idea of this blog thingy.And the pc is in my room..yay.
Well like i said everything here is new to me...so any pointers on how i could make my blog look more interesting (As in background colours and such) would be really helpful! Ok...well thats it....now im serious. ^^
My First Post..Yay

Well here it is...my first post in my own blog.Hi everyone! My name is --- , oh you didnt catch that? Then i guess you can call me Hektor...a Trojan Hero i admire very much.So lets see...im 18 this year....clubs and beers...hahaha nah i dont drink , beer that is.Hmmm ok thats it really ill try add more later.Erm right....bye!