A bit of family history ^^'

Hokay (cracks knuckles*) my family history...My mom is an Irish women from dublin and so is her family , my dad is a Malaysian and his an orang Perak (Its a state) erm not sure how to say that in english hahah right .

I was born Kuwait and lived there for about 2 years so i didnt get the chance to pick up their language (I think Arabic is a beautifull language , has a nice ring to it) After 2 years....from what i recall there was an envoy of Saddam's tanks and troops requesting oil from Kuwait since they were running out or something like that , lets just say Kuwait refused and the city was sieged . So we packed out stuff...mostly carpets heh and drove through to the airport where the americans were helping evacuate civilians.....im not sure if it still happens these day hmm probally does but there used to be bandits that would attack vehicles they think would carry any valuables so it was dangerous if you travelled alone.
It was beautifull....the dessert that is , there would be on high way going forever on straight and on your left and right was Sand as far as the eye could see . And well of course it was hot but during the winter you still had to put on a jacket , amazing huh?

So these 2 people here are my 2 elder sisters....Sara on the left..and Medina on the right.And on top the guy holding up the sign is my Big Bro Aaron...top of the food chain , and my little sister on the left , Sofiyah.Up there is my parents....my dad the engineer and my mom who runs a kindergarden.I might add my other cousin's but ill have to ask them ahahahah....anyway this is just about my family.
Their all funny in their sad sad way....hehehe im the best..hahahaha well i think , or is it my brother? The rest are sarcastic funny , right well at least we all know we get our sense of humour from

Sofi is currently 16 and im 18.....aaron is 29 or is it 28 ...sara is 23 and medina is 25 i think.Feck it im never good with dates , I also have my mom's side of her family all in ireland although the 2 oldest one's there are around sofi's age everyone else is still young but thats ok.Their still cool...hehe. My Grandparents live in Kuala Lumpur and Dublin.....actually most of my couz in malaysia lived in the main city...so we all gather around at my grandparents place very saturday night.(This is the malaysian side just in case your really realy confused)
Well thats it really....i cant think of much at the moment..i might redo this to add bits of pieces i missed here and there....Thanks for reading!
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