Ach me Toe.

Hello again, as i type this the cat is licking herself on my mousepad and the Tv drones on about how amazing guns are on some Dicovery Channel. Things took a turn for the worse yesterday when while kicking the shield bag we use for our training at the kickboxing studio yesterday i accidently somehow almost pulled my whole left toe nail out.
This is gonna seriously mess up my training and stamina build for the malaysian kicking record due end of june, i barely have enough time as it is so this isnt good...of course everyone panicked hahaha and i was more like "ah crap", because the pain wasnt that bad...i just found it interesting how a piece of me that has been with me since i was born almost got ripped off and might have to be pulled.Much thanks to my teamates and friends who got me bandages and Lani who walked me to the clinic *sniff*. So seeing the doctor it seems i would have to take a few tablets and and injection 2 days later to get the nail removed, i smiled, nodded and got the hell out of there.
Im just gonna leave it how it is and if it comes off then it comes off and if my toe suddenly grows 10 times larger then ill get it fixed. But enough about that seriously disturbing stuff. (still preety cool though)
This is one of the seniors there (though younger then me) Faiz, nice guy.

Just kidding Faiz...*whisper* maybe.*
Moms back in dubai after being in Ireland for her dads funeral, she seemed ok and said it was a lovely funeral...i mean not your like your average funeral but really touching stuff, so uh it must be true. I wish i was there, but ill remember the next time i go back to ireland to visit him and finish a whole pint of guiness in memory of him, i know its stupid (hate beer) but i think i have grandpa to thank all those years ago for giving me a sip when i thought it was coke and taking me off beer forever, i feels right.
Been working on my celtic again since my friends brought it up, gonna head down to parade tomorrow perhaps and get anything i might need...especially really really thin and sharp pens for the detail, i really hope to draw like my uncle one day. Im also loving the fact its right after i take money out of the cash machine is when i suddenly need to use half of it right away, that night alone i had to pay for the clinic and medicine, then slippers because i came with shoes so that wasnt possible and plus the studio fees. -facepalm-
Mom wondering how my love life is going, its going alrite, going...going...gone hahah...its alrite i guess. Dont mind being single but your really do miss the companionship (no not sex), you know doing stuff with a person who understood you and what you were about and vice versa. But in the meantime i try keep myself busy. (i love pretending everything is alrite *grin*)
So im off to soak in Detol and see if i can make it for training tomorrow, i still have other body parts (no..nooo) to train even if my left leg isnt working at the moment.