Back from the Dead. (for a bit)

Another post! After.....after...after sometime! Limewire is my bestfriend. *hugs* or are you not suppose to tell people that cause it might be illegal?
It is Nov 16, parents have been back and gone back again to Dubai so yes i am still at home alone again. (sometimes hehe) nah just messing, unless you count the visits from my sisters. My brother is currently in a very interesting Tv Show but im not allowed to say anything about it yet, wait till the 29th this month when it goes on air and ill post more on that later.
The House is currently in shait condition, Sarah (sis) and marina (sister-law) and the nieces were here yesterday so....well its more in a shait condition then the usual shait condition. *rubs forehead*
Found an interesting Band Owlcity, unusual to say the least.
Sofiyah has somehow convinced me to join her to Mount Tahan this coming january so im going to have to build up my stamina for the long hike up, i mean like seriously....cause if anything happens its a long way down. (As in hiking back down not falling from the moutain ha...ha.....*clears throat*)

I have decided in my pursuit to be writer/journalist thingy (nice) Literature would be the best choice besides mass com. But hey! Never mind that i cant spell to save azims (friend) nuts its worth giving it a shot if im serious. Somehow studieng overseas seems like a very very appealing idea at the moment, especially if its with my euro passport getting a part time job here and there will be possible for a little extra cash.
Budget is tight so i try not to go out so there is so many great PC games that are coming out soon or have came out so must save for those! Damn original prices. But hopefully cash might start to flow in when i start working with Sarah (sis) on some huge painting in some arty gallery (which reminds me sari im gonna ask you) for some (im loving this vagueness) showing. So my sis is going to need a few hands in finishing this thing, might take a month and around 3-4 days a week. I hope i dont have to draw, i prefer colour.
Hair is getting longer and messier, i wish i could say sexy messy *gag* its actually just messy messy....which is annoying...but im praying for a miracle that somehow it will look like something when it grows a certain length so fingers crossed. Cant remember if i mentioned this earlier but i went to ireland for a couple of weeks, it was brilliant....there was this huge world travelling carnival thing that happened to be showing at the park that day and its free! Of course after every performer does his act you give him what you thought the show was this shit would never work in malaysia (ha ha) but the shows were actually brilliant and the performers great at what they each did and were funny as well so they kept the audience laughing. My favourite guy right here, god damn it i cant remember his name, oh rite Alakazam! The guy that can, get the idea.
Zelda (the cat) is doing fine, she goes nuts now and again and we start running side by side across the house (i kid you not) but other then that its usually peaceful, untill i bath her...then i need my bulletproof vest and a S.W.A.T team ready by the door. I should really be careful with this living alone with cat thing i know im getting me one of these.