Elo Hektor....(yes im still doing the name calling thingy) so most of all my test are done, yay...currently on my 1 week study leave. It is now the 13th of April so my exams are gonna be wrapped up by the end of this month. And then i do my practical..*shiver*, if i do get ireland or london (depending where my sister is staying) it going to be.....scary...exciting...new. I could use new, definately new.
Friendster is closed...gahh, thats amazing...its rarely ever put on maintanence. Must be cleaning all the porn stars that have a profile. *grin*.
Oh if you guys have time read this Book called ' THE GREAT WAR FOR CIVLISATION-The conquest of the middle east. By Robert Fisk. Its brilliant...bloody thick, been reading it for one week and im not even half way done (and im a fast reader) . Robert Fisk is an english reporter whose been doing this stuff since the russians invaded afganistan untill Bush went oil crazy.
I love him...no not in that kinda way but how he is on no ones sides, this guy has interviewed Osama before he was wanted. He's been to high goverment meetings and been in a field watching a young boy getting shot down by an apache helicopter. So if you love books this is a must have.

Annnnd here is a picture of him...and his book on top. Actually my book looks exactly like that.
Shot me if you've heard this but i think its scary to stay in a country for your whole life....i mean there's so much to see...or as my mom puts it. Life is a book and not travelling is like just reading 1 page....or something to that effect.
Of course malaysia will always be home in a way, but i dont think i would be bothered much living in other parts of the world for a few years. Although i dont ill know till i actually do it.
My parents are finally back from ireland...actually they came back last week, and not many teens can say this but my mom has actually very good taste in teen clothing....she got me this really great looking shirt and jacket which i loved, i think im one of the only few who would trust their moms to do their shopping eheheh. And like normal the fridge is full of chocolate...although i think we finished ours...the rest are for our cousins *sob sob*, i mean its Cadbery! I said to my mom...our cousins can buy cadbery here....and she said they dont sell them 'biggie size' here, and im like ' then by 2 bars for each of ours!' But yea...my mom wasnt having any of that...*grumble*.
Im probally gonna be in the house alot this week..get a bit of study done (shut up). Im actually serious thank you very much.