Cadbery Bytes!

Its tuesday and im at a cyber cafe writing this after getting back from one of my Night Classes. (So tired... > <) As im typing this i am currently enjoying a packet of Cadbery Bytes that i have only bought the second time in my entire life...they actually taste preety good, but ive only bought them when i was starving so maybe my stomach is lieng to me. *Pops another cadbery into mouth*.
Finally out of pure sheer luck i have managed to secure myself an....holy crap i forgot what it was called...erm its a thing you stick into your pc to transfer file and stuff? I know what its called! My memory cant grasp the damn name. SO anyway i found this on top of piona in the living room and well always thought it was broken...took it anyway got it checked and bingo....256 mg to spare.
Also it seems we will be doing our practical for 4 months, BUT (Thank you god) we get to select where we if i managed a trip to ireland and got a job there i would be able to send a letter to my university where they would confirm it and it would be accepted...awesome huh?
Ah also i think ive decided god does not want me to have myspace.....after trying twice (2 yahoo and hotmail) and forgetting about it only remembering when people ask me..and after forgetting my password....asking for it through mail...and finding out it doesnt work. I think ill just stop, besides friendster is good enough.
It seems my love life status is currently set to dead...maybe its just me with really really bad luck. But they say friendship last forever right? If only ide met her sooner....or be that guy that could took away her doubts and fear, and walk with her down the yellow brick road and end up in another worldly island of amoure. (Dont ask).
But enough of sure ill get over her soon...give or take a few years...ahaha.....*slaps forhead*. seems most of my tests are happening next week, and im really really really worried about my Japanese damn it. Its really harrrrddddddd. Gahhh!
My big pregnant sister sara is currenly babysitting sofiyah (believe me she needs it). Have i mentioned its a nice strange feeling watching your pregnant sister and sister in law in the same room talking to each other? Yea probally...
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