UIT M...

Hey hey....im currenly writing this is a computer room in my college.....classes started..no wait...3 more minutes and our class start though i doubt our teacher is gonna make it. Though i wont keep my hopes up....glad the internet connection isnt so bad...so it was possible not to wait 10 minutes for every page to appear.
The setting is kinda cool...the PC's are underneath a glass panel but ive typed enough times to know where all the letters are so it isnt exactly a daunting task.
So ive just decided i really think im just gonna leave my blogspot at private....there is just wayyy to much private stuff to just show anyone, im a guy...we cant show our....sensitive side...unless its to a hot chick to show we understand what their going through or some crap like that.
ok exactly 2.30 and teacher still isnt in yet...no my hopes arent up yet.
Hahahaha im practically the only guy on my row...the rest are on the other side....probally afraid ill bite *grin*. Nah....ah i have my first job coming up for this semester....another chinese banquet (or however you spell it) but its in GENTING! And since were working till 12AM we get to spend the night...thank you god. Although i hope we dont get some shady hotel and some part of the mountain thats unstable.....still hopes arent high so no worries there.
The pay is about RM50 and i am soooooo using that to pay for my driving license, so what...about roughly 12 jobs, ill need to do 12 jobs and i think i can wrestle 200 or 100 from my parents....12 jobs..*groan*.
Ill live i think...my feet is gonna kill me no doubt...and not helping the only decent shoes i have cut through my skin which makes me walk like someone constipated.
Anyway i better keep this short...teacher might burst in anytime soon...and ide rather have everything logged off in case someone gets funny.
Shes not out of my head yet and i have no idea what to do...which basically leads to me doing nothing.
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