Hey you...

Nice weather today...parents went for a swim, *smile* their so weird....sometimes when they fight it seems so serious but untill now ive really just realised they really love each other, by the end of the day it seems as if nothing ever happened...my dad will say something or my mom to suddenly make the tense situation funny and everything just deflates.
Hehehe yea they really were meant for each other, we can all only pray we find the kind of happiness they have found.
Anyway like i said beautiful day so i think i might go out and catch a movie, Sofi is in the room watching the telly...SHE needs to go out more often though im sure she does when im not around. I think ill go to my grandparents tonight....being home alone is very depressing and besides i havent seen my cousins in awhile. I miss the choatic atmosphere...and my little cousins.
Hmmm im starving..hahahaha...no really....i havent eaten anything all day, wheres a maggie when you need one *groan*. Oh and ive find out by my mom actually my family has a bit history with the hotel industry.....even the ones in Ireland...yup...i think 5 or 6 members of the family have been in the industry industry.
So yes its not as bad as it sounds...and im starting to really like this whole thing, ill definately see all kinds of people...places...etc etc the whole sher bang! Which means i really need to take my japanese lessons seriously, having a third language would really really help.
Ok im off..*sigh*, the sun is up for grabs...time i got a bit of exercise in....see you later Hektor ~
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