Should have known better...

Hahaha although its gona be weird staying with my family....dont want to be a burden, so i think find a flat as soon as possible. Of course the job im leaning towards is anything in the hotel industry, im not really picky since im just there untill i can start my diploma which can only start next year....and staying here for 6 months with free time is probally going to make me do something stupid.
*Sigh*, im not happy...which sucks balls. (something sofi says) and i dont know if thats just couse of me and i should cheer myself up, or find someone or something who can. And now my ears are killing me after having these headphones stuck to my ears listening to Justin's new song again and again and again and again. (All your fault Nad).
Hmmm....oh damn ill have to do the laundry, or shant have anything to wear to college hahaha....and soon so i can dry em quickly.
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