Back from Genting...

Well left college on friday...and didnt sleep the whole night in case i woke up late for the bus that leaves for Genting at 8.30 am , im awake the whole night watching Tv and keeping myself busy. Trip took about 1 hour, it wasnt far!! But you wouldnt be able to tell if you saw the place...its this place high up in the hills where almost everything is covered with the forest you thought you were a million miles away from the next city.
We thought (me and the guys) would have an hour or 2 to look around after getting our beds before work but turned out just getting our pillows..etc etc etc...finally getting into the room took all the free time we had...ceh..
And i really need some new white shirts and black pants....the sizes i wear now look like they belong to my dad , and probally did. Soon i find out in the Hotel this is one of the Major Big Events the hotel was having....about 4000 guest. But i loved the part where they tell us we each have to take care of 2 tables...and 1 had 12 guest... = =.
So yea it was a big event...alot of cops (probally more to guard against the later drunked guest then anything else) and loads of Chinese Models....*shiver*. They had the ones standing in lines at the entrance and the ones pouring drinks table to table for the guest..(not wise whoever thought of that.) Things didnt go that bad...was a bit slow but i got the hang of it..

You never really get tired from these jobs...its the feet that kill you, oh and those bloody tea cups....we have to refill them with chinese herbal tea...ahhhhh and they drink so fast and theres only so much you can pour..(though if it was up to me ide tell them to hold on to the tea pot)
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