Strike a violent pose!

Helur helur.....tis me Hektor! Your god...your creator, back for the moment......i am now about to start working for 4 months in my dodgy uni hotel (Wonderful) but on the plus side ill be seeing all my old classmates....well most of them anyway.
Just about time dad was getting edgy seeing me around the house...heheh although he still might, due to uhhh a few technical errors i have not been able to secure a room at the student flats......ahh and this would be so much easier if i had a driving LICENSE to drive back and forth from although this might be a result of my dads careful planning to keep me away from home.
Though i cant really see why his complaining, his going to work in Dubai in 2 or 3 months and well thats the last time we see him for a long time back in malaysia...and after sofi is done with SPM my mom is leaving to join him........but...what about me?? What about sofi! What do they have planned with the condo? The house at melaka? Everything here!
Tis a scary thought, but hopefully we keep the many strange and nice memories, my first kiss....second...third....etc...but lets not get into that.....yet...hehe.
Omera has grown up so much now! Shes about 6 kg's and weighs a tone...who needs to do lift ups when you can carry her in your arms around the house, i better be careful....somehow i get the feeling im going to be the uncle who spoils her, Imanisa is well too....but you know the first few weeks babies always still look the same to me besides skin tone, and shes really fair so it will be interesting to see how she turns out.
This family is expanding thing we know medina is going to come home saying..."Mom, im married!". And knowing medina that wouldnt suprise me much....much that is. Also i have 2 classes a thats not bad.....ill just have to see what the schedule is like before i do anything just in case..*wink wink*.
Besides that everything is well....Nadia is keeping me insane but very very very happy...thank you nad *peck*. Sofi is her usual self *hiss*.....and everyone is doing their own thing, they look so busy i think i need to fine my own thing to do....hmmmm
Hope they leave the car...
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