Excuse the title, ill explain later. Yes yes short posts i remember, so you think your fine right? Going well through a break up (dont worry this wont be emo) and suddenly you see a picture of her with another guy and it hits you again. Your heart suddenly aches like crazy and your heads dizzy and then it hits you.....your jealous! You break up with the damn girl and your jealous!? Are you retarted?? (its not a question).
Saw her with him in pics while me and azim were going through facebook, im fine now but i wasnt expecting that. Hmmm.......emotions still suprise me sometimes. I knew she was with someone from the phone but i guess it wasnt the same, the picture gave some twist of reality into it...showed it was real..."Ok shes with someone now so you....you go hug a tree". hehe.
Azim spent most of the day sleeping on the couch so were gonna go head out and find a bite to eat. Also i need to keep an eye out for any Monty Python movies i can get my hands on. And Pablo! Oh god this guy is great, i have to keep in mind if im ever going through a shitty day i should watch one of his vids on youtube. ill post one of his vids in this blog. It still classic vid week so yes ill still be posting vids throughout this week you should check out.
My next post will include this Kid that will blow you away ( no...not like...oh god nvm) he makes his own songs and was the opening act for YOUTUBE LIVE.
This is one of his short vids, and my favorites i believe....somewhere...this girl exist....if you like this guy watch his full performance, erm just search in youtube pablo part 1...then 2...etc etc. And i promise its my last post on past relationships.
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